Microsoft Excel definition :-
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Microsoft excel definition |
Microsoft excel is a powerful spread program. This unit introduces excel as a spread sheet, which comprises grid of rows and columns. Microsoft excel definition.
The combination of a row and a column is called a cell. There are two basic types of data that are used in a spread sheet: values and formula. Operators define the calculation to perform but the formula. Excel contains many built in formula. Which are known as functions. Function such as ROUND, MAX, SUM, etc, can be used to perform certain operations on excel worksheet.
What is spread sheet?
The job at hand requires a lot of lists, table, financial calculations, analysis and graphs excel is just the package for you. Excel is great at organizing all types of data, but it is numerical data where excel is on its me turf.Microsoft excel definition.
Production to ms excel.
Microsoft Excel is a window base, spread sheet applications developed by Microsoft Excel corporation. It includes all standard features at a spread sheet package like automatic RECACULATION graph, function and eration, popular electronics spread sheet program are :
• Lotus 123
• Quarter program
• Vp planners
• Multi plan
• Symphony
• Microsoft Excel
OLE (Object Linking Embedding) support.
Microsoft excelwork sheet can contain any object like a document, a picture, a presentation, any application program this feature is known as OLE.
Microsoft excel can contain jarge volume of data, because in excel a single work book, can contain up to 355 work sheet. Microsoft excel definition A single work sheet can contain 1048576 row and 16384 columns and we can enter 2000 character in a single cell.WORK BOOK :-
The concept of files in excel is called as work book. When we create a new files in Excel the default name book-1, book-2, book-3, and so on, when never we have not given a unique name to that work book.DATA IN CELL :-
Excel work sheet can contain value on formula. A constant value is data. You types directly into a cell. Value are constant and don't change unless. A formula is a sequence of constant value, cell reference, change, when other value in work sheet change.Entering excel :-
In excel work sheet we can enter number in the cells. Excel create the following character as number are 0,1,2,3,9+, -, â„…, etc. All the numerical data are by default right alignment.ENTERING TEXT.
The entry text includes alphabetical character, number and symbol. Microsoft excel definition. In some cases we need to enter a number as text entry by specifying and dot. before the numbers. All the text is by default left alignment.Starting of ms excel :
* Click on the start menu button.
* Selecte the program options.
* Selecte the Microsoft Office sub option.
* Click on the Microsoft Excel 2007 sub option.
* Then display the Microsoft excel windows.