
Biography about Mahatma Gandhi | Biography of Mahatma Gandhi | Biography Mahatma Gandhi

 Biography about Mahatma Gandhi :

Gandhi biography

         The Biography about Mahatma Gandhi. The Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi is the Childhood name of Mahatma Gandhi. He was born on October 2,1869, Porbandar Gujarat, India. He is a Hindu mode family. Karamchand Gandhi is the father of Mahatma Gandhi and his mother name is Putli Bay. That is called biography about Mahatma Gandhi. 

Who wrote the biography Mahatma Gandhi? 

Dinanath Gopal Tendul karis written the Mahatma Gandhi biography. He is born at 1909 (Ratnagiri) Maharashtra British India. Nationality Indian and language in English. Dinanath Gopal. Tendulkar was an Indian rights and films maker.The Biography Mahatma Gandhi. He is the author of eight-volume biography of Mahatma Gandhi, Tittle of Mahatma, life of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. He was also collaborated a documentary film Biography Mahatma Gandhi, life of Biography about Mahatma Gandhi.

Biography of Mahatma Gandhi famous for? 

Biography of Mahatma Gandhi famous for poetry, “Great Soul” Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi known as Mahatma Gandhi tittle of Great Soul. The About biography biography Mahatma Gandhi He was political leaders, and who fight for Indian independence day from British rulers. The right of Indian poor people. This is called famous for Biography of Mahatma Gandhi. 

Who killed Mahatma Gandhi and where? 

               Nathuram Vinayak Godse killed in Mahatma Gandhi, May 19,1910–15 November 1949 he was the assistance of Mahatma Gandhi. Nathuram Vinayak Godse gun shot in Gandhiji chest in the three time gun shot in New Delhi 30 January 1948.

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